Author(s): D. N. Niven; C. L. Catalano
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Keywords: Roughness; Structures; 3D Analysis; 2D Representation
Abstract: Cardno was commissioned as the hydraulic consultant for a proposed residential and marina development called ‘Salacia Waters', located at Paradise Point on the Gold Coast, Australia. Analysis of the Marina was undertaken using a MIKE21 (Version 2005, SP4) flood model of the lower Coomera River floodplain. This hydraulic model consists of: · topographic elevation and bathymetric data; · design flood inflows with co-incident storm surge levels; and · Assumed bed friction based on Manning's Roughness parameters. Considerable assessments and design considerations were required in order to arrive at a Manning's n roughness parameter on the bed of the River to best represent the piers, floating pontoons and boats at the Marina site. Cardno utilised a number of numerical assessments to conservatively assess the impact on the flood of the pontoons, boats and debris loading. This was then also peer reviewed and additional factors of safety included providing a site specific Manning's n value for the individual Marina pontoon to be included in Council's MIKE21 model suitable for the purposes of a development assessment flood study.
Year: 2011