Author(s): O. Kocyigit; B. Lin
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Keywords: Bed level changes; Sediment transport modelling; Light-weight material
Abstract: Details are given of a combined physical and numerical modelling study to investigate the erosion/deposition processes within a model harbour. A light-weight material, namely Casion Resin, was used as bed sediment in the physical model. A series of laboratory experiments were undertaken to investigate the effect of harbour entrance configuration on the bed level changes. Details are given of the model harbour configuration, tidal conditions, sediment properties and experimental procedure. An existing two-dimensional numerical model has been refined to include the prediction of bed level changes in the model harbour. The governing equations used to represent the flow and sediment transport processes are briefly discussed in this paper. The Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) method and the Ultimate Quickest Scheme were used for solving the hydrodynamic and sediment transport equations, respectively. Finally a comparison between the numerical model predicted and measured bed level changes are presented.
Year: 2003