Author(s): R. Walters; V. Nikora; J. Aberle
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Keywords: Cohesive sediments; Bed shear stress; Bed erosion; Numerical model
Abstract: The model presented here meets the design criteria of reasonable accuracy, efficiency, and robustness. The model successfully simulates advection-dominated and transcritical flow regimes, and conserves mass both locally and globally. It has been shown to be a suitable hydrodynamics engine for a finite-volume transport model. The doubleaveraging procedure enables an adequate description of the near-bed physics and can be expanded to various levels of detail that depend on the problem under consideration. At this stage of development, this technique seems ideal for including the necessary bed processes to describe sediment dynamics. Preliminary results are presented for a rough-bed flow experiment and a sediment test case. Currently, we are evaluating model simulations in comparison to measurements made in an in situ flume.
Year: 2003