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Evaluating K-Ε Turbulence Model Within Suspended Sediment Transport Simulations

Author(s): J. Wyrwa

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Keywords: Estuary; Cohesive Sediments; Transport Simulations; Turbulence ModelVerification; Accuracy Estimates

Abstract: Transport of fine and cohesive sediments in estuaries interacts with man made structures. To manage siltation, numerical simulation is used as a tool for planning. Between numerical simulations and measurements there are still differences, some of which are not fully understood yet. The contribution of the turbulence model to these differences is quantified in this study. The transport rate of sediments is used as a measure for the differences. The turbulence model utilized in this study is the k-ε-model. Turbulence damping caused by stable density stratification is an important feature that needs to be covered by the turbulence model. Schematic situations of boundary and free shear flow in stably stratified fluids are compared with laboratory measurements. The results are: 1) An approximation of accuracy can be given for the erosion process. 2) Concerning free shear mixing, a qualitative agreement is found and the specific demand for more relevant experiments is described. 3) Deposition is revealed to be a non stationary process.


Year: 2003

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