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Comparison of Directional Wave Analysis Methods on Laboratory Data

Author(s): L. Martinelli; B. Zanuttigh; A. Lamberti

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Keywords: Wave; Direction; Spectrum; Spreading

Abstract: This note gives simple guidelines for carrying out a directional wave analysis. Internet sites where free software can be downloaded are suggested. Using software "DIWASP" two different laboratory tests are analysed, where regular and irregular wave conditions are simulated in presence and absence of significant reflection. Directional wave spectrum is evaluated with 5 and 7 wave gauge arrays and with velocity/elevation gauges. Guidelines are relative to the choice of methods of analysis, frequency and directional resolution: Extended Maximum Enthropy Principle is always applicable and is probably the best choice, especially after cancelling the noise uniformly distributed in direction. Frequency resolution should be ≈ 0.1÷0.2 fp. Regular or longcrested waves are seldom correctly recognized, since the hypothesis at the base of the interpretation models tend to force a smooth spectrum (especially Bayesian Directional Method).


Year: 2003

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