Author(s): R. Lehfeldt; C. Heidmann
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Keywords: Metadata; NOKIS; Information system; Integrated coastal zone manage-mentICZM; Web services; Bathymetry; Simulation; Animation; Decision-support tool
Abstract: Information systems for the coastal zone are used to systematically search and retrieve information to be used in decision-support systems for coastal management and in the communication process with the general public. The web based informa-tion infrastructure relies on metadata which describe contents and accessibility of data in a formalized way, and also gives indications of how to present the data. This contribution presents a standardized metadata set for coastal engineering purposes which is a subset of the ISO19115 metadata standard. It was selected by a project group concerned with the North Sea and Baltic Sea Information System NOKIS and meets the requirements of both GIS and numerical modeling commu-nities which are important contributors to coastal information systems. An editor for this standard is presented which can be customized by local extensions of the XML schema describing the metadata model. The meta information prepared at distributed data archives with this tool is replicated onto a central server and used in the NOKIS web portal. A bathymetry viewer and a simulation viewer are prototype examples of metadatadriven web services which are embedded tools in the web site of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council.
Year: 2003