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Integrated Management of Coastal Zone in Bangladesh-Issues and Development Policy Relationships

Author(s): M. F. Bari; K. Torii; S. Alam

Linked Author(s): Kiyoshi Torii

Keywords: Costal development; Policy evolution; Coastal livelihood; Coastal resourcesinstitutional linkage; Integrated management

Abstract: Coastal area of Bangladesh has received much attention by the government, aid agencies and development partners due to its economic potentials and a range of vulnerabilities. Large numbers of people live on the coast, derive their livelihood from the land or the sea (mainly fishing), and are vulnerable to the often extreme consequences of cyclone events. These considerations make Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) of paramount importance in policy terms. First coastal zone development activities started in 1960s with construction of embankments to provide protection against tidal floods and saline intrusion which had both beneficial and adverse environmental effects. It is often criticized that the coastal development activities were dominated by considerations of physical protection and construction approach with isolated projects. The linkage between coastal management and livelihood issues that necessitates an integrated management approach is discussed. This is followed by a discussion of evolution of policies on coastal zone development leading to a management approach focusing on the integration of development and disaster management policies and activities, in response to the priorities of the communities that are experiencing them. The issue of inter-sectoral linkages would be of crucial importance for the implementation recently developed ICZM framework plan. The dependence of this program on the wide range of other policies that are important for the costal zone of Bangladesh is also highlighted.


Year: 2003

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