Author(s): G. A. Jenkins
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Keywords: Rtificial wetlands; Water quality; Urban stormwater; Two-dimensional modellingcontaminant transport; Hydraulic retention time distribution
Abstract: Surface water wetlands play an important role in the management of urban stormwater quality. The treatment of stormwater as it flows through a wetland is the result of a complex interaction between the physical, chemical and biological processes that occur within the system. The vegetation that is a dominant feature of the shallow ephemeral and perennial water bodies that form these wetland systems plays an important role in these treatment processes. This paper describes a numerical model study that has been undertaken to investigate the effects of wetland shape on the hydraulic characteristics of artificial wetlands. The study demonstrates that the wetland shape has a significant influence on the hydraulic efficiency of the system and is an important factor to be considered when modelling treatment processes.
Year: 2003