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Basin-Wide Environmental Quality Assessment Based on Distributed Runoff Model

Author(s): T. Kojiri; A. Tokai; H. Yoshikawa

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Keywords: River basin; Environmental quality; Endocrine disruptors; Distributed runoff model

Abstract: Water quality is getting serious problem in both of developed and developing countries because current civilization and urbanization occur severe water pollution in the whole river basin. Recently, newly developed chemical materials, which are effective to the industrial production or modern human life, are emitted into atmosphere or river. To evaluate the environmental quality, the related processes such as emission, transmission, compiling, dissolution and impact processes of pollutants have to be comprehensively analyzed with high accuracy. The emitted pollutant from point or non-point source directly or through sewerage system cause another problem of environment endocrine disruption which mean feminization of male organism or deterioration of reproductive capacity. The aquatic creatures take the important role to transport the pollutant materials in their bodies through accumulating or concentrating processes to the downstream regions. On the other hand, authors have developed Hydro-BEAM as multi-layer and multi-mesh typed runoff model already. In this paper, we will propose to analyze the toxicological chemical movement in the river basin considering emission source, transportation in the river and physiological impact in aquatic creatures in time and space through mathematical ecological model, population estimation model and distributed runoff model.


Year: 2003

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