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Inverse Transient Analysis in Pipe Networks for Leakage Detection, Quantification and Roughness Calibration

Author(s): Z. Kapelan; D. Covas; D. Savic; G. Walters; N. Graham; C. Maksimovic

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Keywords: Inverse Transient Analysis; Water Supply Systems; Leakage DetectionCalibration

Abstract: This paper summarises what was planned and achieved under the joint UK EPSRC WITE project entitled, “Inverse Transient Analysis in Pipe Networks for Leakage Detection, Quantification and Roughness Calibration”. The research work was carried out jointly by Imperial College (IC) and University of Exeter (UoE) during the three year period, 1999-2002. The ultimate goal of the project was to develop an inexpensive yet effective methodology for leak detection in water supply systems using the inverse transient approach (Liggett and Chen 1994). This paper summarises the work developed and results obtained while attempting to achieve this goal. A number of novel methodologies were developed and existing methodologies improved during the project. It is concluded that further research is needed both in laboratory and especially in the field, before it can be decided whether the inverse transient methodology can be successfully applied to full-scale water supply systems.


Year: 2003

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