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Risk Assessment in Metropolitan Area of Industrial Towns Polluted by Petrol Hydrocarbons

Author(s): C. I. Giasi; P. Masi; C. Masciopinto

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Keywords: Petrol soil and subsoil contamination; Risk assessment; Groundwater; Mathematical Models

Abstract: A Risk-Based Corrective action (RBCA) procedure has been applied to industrial area located in Southern Italy. The methodological study provides further estimation and geostatistical approach to improve the available collected data on the study area. The ground water flow was also studied under transient conditions to evaluate the effect of the mound of the water table on the washing of unsaturated contaminated soil and water contamination. Bioscreen, based on instantaneous reaction model established the spatial concentration distribution in the studied groundwater and the inactivation distance of selected contaminants from pollution sources. Model results showed a good interpretation of field data even though more detailed information is required in order to define a correct risk assessment on people health. The RBCA showed very risky conditions could be determined by Mercury concentration in the shallow ground water. Remediation projects of the contaminated are strongly recommended.


Year: 2003

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