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Managing Pumping Based on Base-Flow Impacts in Streams for the Hua-Lien Alluvial Valley, Taiwan

Author(s): S. M. Hsu; B. T. Lin

Linked Author(s): Shaohua Marko Hsu

Keywords: Groundwater; Pumping; Water resource; Numerical model; Safe yield

Abstract: Processing MODFLOW (PMWIN) was used as a software tool to model the unconfined aquifer of Hua-lien alluvium in eastern Taiwan. Data of groundwater table at eighteen observing wells was utilized to calibrate and validate the parameters used in the model. The modeled water balance showed that the subsurface inflow from the mountain valleys entering alluvial fans and the recharge from the tributaries are the major incomes, while the outflow toward the Pacific Ocean and discharge into the mainstream are the major losses. Different pumping scenarios were tested within the model to determine the perennial yield from the groundwater basin in the sense of sustainable development. Simulation indicates that pumping affects the aquifer system in a way that shifts from groundwater storage depletion to induced recharge of surface water. This decreases the discharge flowing into river but hardly affects the outflow toward the ocean.


Year: 2003

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