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Analysis and Interpretation of the Flood Activity Mechanism of the Fourka Chalkidiki Torrent

Author(s): T. V. Pavlidis; D. A. Emmanouloudis; J. L. Rodriguez; E. I. Filippidis

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Keywords: Flood; Flood mechanism; Torrent activity

Abstract: It is well known that there is no area in Greece which has not occasionally experienced flood damage, caused by the activity of more-than-a-thousand torrents that drain the Greek lands. (Kotoulas 1980, Margaropoulos 1963, Moulopoulos 1929, Pavlidis 1990, Settas 1961). Flood activity undertaken by a torrent is due to its torrential environment (climate, geological settlement, relief, vegetation) as well as to unwise or harmful man made intervention. The torrents of the Kassandra peninsula, Chalkidiki, which fall into the category of hilly and semi-mountainous areas, are characterized by a particularly flood-prone geological settlement and have undergone intense man-made intervention. A typical example of the torrents in this area is the Fourka torrent, which has repeatedly caused flood disasters. The objective of the present study is to investigate the flood mechanism of the Fourka torrent. It also aims at providing a method of analysis and management of flood phenomena in torrents of the same torrential environment.


Year: 2003

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