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Hydrogeological Characterictics of the Karst Aquifers in Central Crete, Greece

Author(s): K. Voudouris

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Keywords: Limestones·Karst aquifers·Hydraulic parameters·Groundwater quality·Crete island·Greece

Abstract: In this work the hydrogeological characterictics of carbonate series in central Crete is examined. However their limestones are well karstifiable. The hydrogeological behaviour of these series is controlled by tectonic deformation, which favors infiltration and karstification. The main promising aquifers in the central Crete are hosted in the Plattenkalk, in the carbonates of Tripolis zone and the marls limestones of Neogene. The depth of the aquifers varies according to the depth of the base level. The yield of boreholes, drilled in these formations ranges from 10 to 80 m3/h. The carbonate series host aquifers that are in hydraulic communication and some of these are in direct hydraulic continuity with seawater. The waters quality is classified into calcium-bicarbonate type (fresh waters) and Na-Ca-Cl-HCO3 or NaCa-Cl type (brackish waters) in the coastal part, due to seawater intrusion. The seawater intrusion is caused by overpumping, water abstraction from great depths, lack of reliable water resources management and has been favored by some preferential paths along faults zones. Karst aquifer systems discharge groundwater through springs; coastal brackish water springs and inland freshwater springs. Finally, an integrated management scheme aiming at sustainability of karst aquifer systems is therefore of paramount importance to the central Crete.


Year: 2003

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