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Mixing Structure and F Low Evolution Resulting from Variation in the Density of Riparian Vegetation Along T He Banks of a Main Channel in a Compound Channel

Author(s): A. Watanabe; S. Fukuoka

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Keywords: Riparian vegetation; Compound channel; Reynolds stress; Large horizontal eddy; Transition distance

Abstract: This research elucidated the process of change in mixing mechanisms associated ith change in vegetation density, as well as the process of change directly upstream and wnstream from the vegetation, and considered flow field transition distance. It was found at immediately downstream from the vegetation, the abrupt inflow of the floodchannel flow to the main channel resulted in extensive horizontal mixing that exceeded the mixing between ws inside and outside of the vegetation. Another important characteristic was that the gorous mixing immediately downstream from the vegetation is diffused by large-scale rizontal eddies. As with cases of density that is greater downstream, the process of mixing velopment is one in which the development of large-scale eddies changes the main channe yer's velocity distribution, resulting in vertical mixing.


Year: 2003

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