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Modelling Mass Transfer in Converging Compound Channels

Author(s): D. Bousmar; Y. Zech

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Keywords: Compound channel; Exchange Discharge Model (EDM); 1D modelling; Flood-plain; Mass transfer; Momentum transfer; Non-prismatic flow

Abstract: This paper investigates one-dimensional modelling of non-prismatic compound channels with the Exchange Discharge Model (EDM). Validation is performed using new experimental data of flow in compound channels with symmetrically converging floodplains. In such a configuration, a mass transfer due to non-prismaticity is observed, but with a flow behaviour less complex than in meandering compound channels. The EDM accounts for this mass transfer in non-prismatic geometries and for the related momentum transfer. Predictions of water level, additional head loss and discharge distribution are compared with measurements.


Year: 2003

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