Author(s): V. Hrissanthou
Linked Author(s): Vlassios Hrissanthou
Keywords: Soil erosion; Sediment transport; Reservoir sedimentation; Basin
Abstract: Yermasoyia Reservoir is located northeast of the town of Limassol, Cyprus. The storage capacity of the reservoir is 13.6x106 m3. Yermasoyia River feeds the reservoir with water. The area of the basin corresponding to the reservoir amounts to 122.5 km2. This study aims at the estimate of the mean annual deposition amount in the reservoir, which originates from the corresponding basin. For the estimate of the mean annual sediment inflow into the reservoir, a mathematical model is used. The model consists of three sub-models: a rainfallrunoff sub-model taking into account the actual evapotranspiration, a soil erosion sub-model (Poesen, 1985) and a sediment transport sub-model for streams. The sediment transport capacity by streamflow, which is incorporated into the sediment transport sub-model, is computed by the relationships of van Rijn (1984). The deposition amount in the reservoir is estimated by means of the diagram of Brune, that delivers the trap efficiency of the reservoir. Monthly rainfall data from three rainfall stations and other meteorological data from one meteorological station for four years (1986-1989) were available. The computational results concerning runoff volume and soil erosion are compared with respective measurement data for the reservoir basin.
Year: 2003