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A Simplified Method for Computing General Scour in Sand-Bed Channels

Author(s): H. D. Farias; M. T. Pilan; F. Pece; M. Mattar; A. Storniolo; L. Olmos; L. Galvan; C. Infante

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Keywords: Fluvial hydraulics; Sand-bed rivers; Scour; Erosion; Bridges; Crossings

Abstract: A new quick method for computing general scour depth in sand-bed rivers is presented in this paper. The procedure is based on a series of hypotheses relating with the the cross section deformation in an initially stable channel, affected by the occurrence of a discharge increment. The concept of equilibrium velocity is analyzed taking into account this is the competent velocity necessary to maintain a generalized sediment flux of sand over the river bed during the peak of the flood. From this concept, a methodology to estimate the general scour in alluvial channels is presented, which is illustrated by a series of practical examples in which the method is applied to large sand-bed rivers, covering a wide range of characteristic hydraulic parameters. The reasonably good agreement between computed and observed scour depths is encouraging to continue the improvement and refinement of the proposed approach as a quick scour estimation tool.


Year: 2003

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