Author(s): A. Carravetta; D. Capuano; A. Vacca
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Keywords: Hydraulic jump; B-jump; Stilling basin; Pressure fluctuations
Abstract: Several experiments were performed in the past on the pressure space and time distributions beneath hydraulic jumps. A large range of flow conditions was covered in the case of simple hydraulic jump basin. Experimental results include average values, pressure fluctuations, correlation of pressure signals, spectral analysis, minimum and maximum pressure values. In this paper we present some results concerning hydraulic jump properties, but with reference to a positive 45° terminal step of the stilling basin. Froude numbers were varied in a small range in order to focalise on flow conditions in which the jump was partially located on the step (B-jump type). Eight pressure transducers were positioned in the middle section of the channel, at different distances from the edge of the step. Results include the main statistical properties of the pressure time distribution. The experimental set up was completed with digital image acquisition and local velocity measurements. B-jump conditions present peculiar space variation of the statistical properties of the wall pressure, strictly connected to the existence of a bottom roller on the step.
Year: 2003