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Hydrodynamic Characterization of Freshwater Mussel Habitats in the Upper Mississippi River

Author(s): N. Young; L. Weber; T. Nakato

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Keywords: Upper Mississippi River; Bathymetric survey; Freshwater mussels; Hydrodynamics; Habitat

Abstract: Human activities in the Upper Mississippi River Basin have caused a significant decline in freshwater mussel populations. One contributing factor is the construction of navigation dams and river training structures on the main stem of the Upper Mississippi. These structures have resulted in the slowing and redirection of flow through the braided channel system severely impacting mussel habitats. The goal of the research described is to develop a more complete understanding of the hydrodynamics within mussel habitats in hopes of providing information useful in the preservation and restoration of mussel populations in the Upper Mississippi River. Methods will include collection of bathymetric data describing the geometry of the river at the reach and habitat scales, collection of velocity data using acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) for use in measuring flow parameters within mussel habitats, location and identification of individual mussels, and measurement of mussel density. Bathymetric and velocity data will also be used to develop numerical simulations using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), providing a means of studying hydrodynamics under the wide range of flow conditions experienced by the mussels. Statistical treatment of the data will be used to correlate hydrodynamic parameters with mussel density and habitat quality.


Year: 2003

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