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Hydroinformatics Systems in Multi-Knowledge Environments

Author(s): M. B. Abbott

Linked Author(s): Michael B. Abbott

Keywords: Knowledge environments; Stakeholder participation; Internet; Radio-telephony; Hydroinformatics

Abstract: Multi-knowledge environments are those in which two or more different knowledges have to function simultaneously and interactively in supporting one and the same activity. Five kinds of multi-knowledge environments are introduced in the first part of the paper. The first involves interactive engineering work processes proceeding simultaneously within one and the same physical space, as often occur in hydraulic constructions. This necessitates the introduction of one class of parallel-knowledge, self-management systems, usually token-based rather than text-based. The second kind involves two or more interacting physical processes, each with its own field of expertise. The third involves combinations of modern-scientific knowledge with at least one local, autochthonic, knowledge, where the latter is accepted as an equal partner, such as commonly occur in stakeholder participation in construction and management projects. The fourth concerns situations when the local, autochthonic knowledges (usually in the plural) are repressed, but come to insurrection as a result of the project. The fifth arises in the subject of sociotechnology generally. The paper is devoted in its second part to the fourth kind of multi-knowledge environment while drawing upon some elements of sociotechnology.


Year: 2003

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