Author(s): J. Attari; F. Arefi; M. Andaroodi; A. Torbaty
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Keywords: Hydraulic Structures; Spillways; Energy Dissipators; Plunge Pools; Scour; Cohesive Material
Abstract: Water nappes or plunging jets, released by spillways, create scour holes at downstream valleys of large dams. In this paper, scouring in the plunge pool of Karun 3 dam, currently under construction in Iran, is investigated. The scour hole was physically modeled by using non-cohesive as well as cohesive materials on the bed. The Annandale's Erodibility Index was used for selection of the appropriate mixture for the latter case. Results showed that the ultimate scour elevation was slightly higher by using cohesive material on the bed. The lateral extension of the scour hole was found to be less in the cohesive model.
Year: 2003