Author(s): A. C. G. Menendez; M. O. Zevallos
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Keywords: Flood control; Diversion weir; River weir; By-pass; Energy dissipator; Piers; Gates; Orifices
Abstract: This paper presents the modelling optimisation results carried out in a physical model scale 1:25 of the flood routing through the diversion works, to be built in the Bulu Bulu river in the Guayas Province of Ecuador, South America, for flood control of the low Guayas river basin. The work shows the study experimental objectives, the conception and description, the physical model and its installations for testing. It also describes the research process and evaluates the hydraulic and morphologic concerns of the original design of the diversion structures consisting of weirs, gates, outlets, stilling basin, bed protection, piers and the diversion channel or By-pass. After testing several alternatives to optimise the diversion works hydraulic performance, the final design characteristics and the tests result are described. Finally, it is concluded that the original design was adequately conceived and the research process optimised that design.
Year: 2003