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Modelling of Flow-Induced Vibrations

Author(s): H. Drobir; M. Binder

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Keywords: Design of hydraulic structures; Flow-induced vibrations; Reproduction of frequencies; Hydraulic model

Abstract: The present paper deals with the modelling of flow-induced vibrations particularly with the reproduction of vibrations and their frequencies in hydraulic models. Model tests were carried out with quadratic plates of different dimensions in a water basin. The plates were dipped into the water basin and mechanically set into oscillation. The oscillating pressures on the plates caused by movement under water was registered at selected points. Taking the largest of the quadratic plates as a prototype, the smaller ones can be considered as scale models. Depending on the dimensions of the plates, the points of measurement for registering oscillating pressures were grouped in scaled geometrically identical points. The oscillating pressure of the prototype and of the scale models as registered was used to find the governing model law.


Year: 2003

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