Author(s): J. J. Bogardi
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Let me express first of all my gratitude to the Organizers of this Congress for the invitation to deliver a keynote address on water education and training. Even more than for this personal honor, I wish to thank the Association for its “bravery in selecting water education and training as the topic of a keynote in a Congress usually dedicated to cutting edge research. Education and training are not among the fancy areas of engineering and research. I will not show you breathtaking dams, new theories or laboratory results. Education and training - even at the most advanced level is not an area where a significant paper could easily be produced. High quotation index and academic merits are hardly associated with education and training, and yet without education, training and human capacity building we would not be able to maintain the profession, to groom the new generations of experts, to adapt the knowledge and skills of those working already in the practice.
Year: 2003