Author(s): W. Loiskandl; A. Strausssieberth; I. Popescu
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Keywords: Teaching resources; Research-based resources; Continuing education
Abstract: This paper serves to summarise the ongoing investigation within the framework of the thematic network ETNET 21 on research based teaching resources. The information obtained relies to a high extent on firstly a questionnaire, and secondly on joint meeting discussions. Main goals are: to provide an overview of future curriculum developments in a European context, status of non-academic community involvement and technology transfer, student involvement in research and new research based resources. Not all set goals are reached at the same level. However conclusions can be drawn about the minimum facilities needed for education in the water sector. The involvement of members of the non-academic community requires further attention. However, the strength of universities in relation to education and research is indispensable for the future competitiveness of European science in a global marketplace.
Year: 2003