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Integrated Operation and Maintenance of Engineered River Systems: Development of a Teaching Module

Author(s): K. J. Douben; G. J. Klaassen; M. Kok

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Keywords: Operation; Maintenance; Engineered river systems; Integrated management; Water engineering curriculum; Teaching

Abstract: For centuries, engineering activities in river basins have focussed on the use of the river resources (water resources, hydropower, floodplain areas, etcetera) and the development of the river system. Hence the curricula of many universities and training institutes reflect due emphasis on planning and development in river systems. Increasingly, though, the multiple uses of river resources and increasing number of functions to satisfy, necessitate river managers to optimise and integrate the different operation and maintenance activities for a given state of development of the river system. The interest into operation and maintenance problems is growing to achieve a sustainable management of river systems, based on an integrated and holistic approach. This should be reflected in the curriculum of the engineering education as well. Hence there is a need for the development of a teaching module, which focuses on the operation and maintenance of both the main channel and floodplains, including different river training structures. Recently UNESCO-IHE has developed such a module, referred to here as the River System Management (RSM) module, and some details on this module are given in this paper. Similar modules should be implemented in curricula of other universities and institutes in different parts of the world, and UNESCO-IHE is willing to assist in these developments and exchange experiences to improve its own RSM module as well. The paper at hand describes the development and set-up of the River System Management module, illustrated with case studies and experiences so far.


Year: 2003

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