Author(s): T. Webb
Linked Author(s): Anthony Webb
Keywords: Environmental engineering; Pollutant mixing; Dispersion; Diffusion; Education; LES; DNS; Matlab
Abstract: High-resolution computer models provide a useful tool for educators in environmental education. Important concepts related to the mixing of pollutants can be accurately demonstrated using large eddy simulation and direct numerical simulation of the equations of fluid motion. The results of jet flow and shear models have been incorporated into Matlab-based educational tools that allow detailed probing of the flow structures. The concepts introduced in this way include laminar versus turbulent flow, how shear leads to instabilities, how instabilities break down into turbulent flow and how this greatly enhances mixing, the concept of entrainment, the concept of self-similar flow regimes and how practical engineering models are derived. In addition, interactivity is incorporated to make the student think about the processes and thereby achieve a deeper grasp of the concepts. The educational tools have been well received by the students and testing on prototype versions have demonstrated improved understanding.
Year: 2003