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Measurements and Instrumentation in Hydraulic Research

Author(s): E. Keramaris; P. Prinos

Linked Author(s): Panagiotis Prinos

Keywords: Measurements; Instrumentation; Hydraulic research; LDA; ADV

Abstract: In this work the type of measurements and the instrumentation used in hydraulic research are investigated through the survey of the published papers in the two major journals of hydraulic engineering and research (J. of Hydraulic Eng., ASCE and J. of Hydraulic Research, IAHR) during the last five years (1998-2002). 27% of the published papers are of experimental nature (with a majority of 96% with laboratory measurements). The most frequently measured flow parameter is the local time-mean velocity while turbulence and concentration measurements follow next. It is found that standard fluid mechanics instrumentation, like Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDA) is used primarily for measuring mean which can be considered as specific hydraulics instrumentation. velocity and turbulence characteristics together with Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry (ADV)


Year: 2003

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