Author(s): Sumit Gandhi, Kirtika Sachdeva, Mudit Khandelwal, Rajesh Rai, Vikram Singh, Sudeep Srivastava, Surya Pratap Meena
Linked Author(s): Sumit Gandhi
Keywords: Spillway, dimensional analysis, non-dimensional discharge, critical depth ratio, effective head
Abstract: An elaborate experimental study is carried out to develop the understanding of energy dissipation phenomenon in both ogee as well as stepped spillway in open channel under varying flow conditions. Non-dimensional discharge (Q/Qd), Energy loss ratio (EL/E1) and Relative length of roller (Lr/Y1) for ogee spillway and Energy loss ratio (EL/E1), Critical depth ratio (Yc/SH) and Relative length of roller (Lr/Y2) for stepped spillway are studied and empirical models are proposed for considered conditions. Baffle blocks are also considered to find the effectiveness in amount of energy dissipation. Due importance is given to effective head ratio (He/Hd) in case of ogee spillway and baffle blocks dimensions (2: 4, 2: 5 and 3: 4) (rise and tread) in case of stepped spillway. Results were also compared and validated with other analytical and computational models by other authors
Year: 2017