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Managing Complex Hydrological Situationss: Negnecesary Integration of Environmntal and Economical Demands

Author(s): Philippe Gourbesville

Linked Author(s): Philippe Gourbesville

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The Cotentin and Bessin marshlands (Normandy, France) are an integral part of the European network of natural areas. The quality of this historical environment is based on the balance between the environmental demands and the agricultural practices. The main difficulty consists in maintaining the water level satisfactory for the agricultural use and the fauna and flora. Since 1992, the marshlands’ integration into a National Park has permitted to define a specific strategy in the different valleys, to organize the land use and to manage the water levels. Two of the most spectacular decisions are to generate flooding during Winter and to destroy some embankments to reduce the water levels in the high valleys.


Year: 1997

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