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The Surface Flow Structure of Large Scale Vortices at the Rear of a Cylindrical Pier for the Flow of Transcritical Reynolds Num Ber

Author(s): Kazuo Ishino; Kouji Kawaguchi

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Ishino et al. Carried out the field measurement of the surface flow structure around a cylindrical pier (a main cylindrical pier 3P of the Akashi Kaikyo Ohashi bridge, which is now under construction) in the region of Re ynolds number (hereinafter referred to as Re number)10, for the first time in the world, and examined the flow structure, though large scale vortices could not be observed at the rear of 3P. After this, one of the authors got a chance to photograph and videotape the occurrence of large scale vortices at the rear of 2P and 3P from the nearly 300m-high main tower constructed on 3P. In this study, the authors discussed the occurrence of large scale vortices at the rear of 2P and 3P, using pictures and images taken from top of the main tower.


Year: 1995

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