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3D Turbulent Side Discharge into Open Channel Flow

Author(s): W. Czernuszenko; Yafei Jia; Sam S. Y. Wang

Linked Author(s): Yafei Jia, Sam S.Y. Wang

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The three dimensional computational model (CCHE3D) has been applied to simulate the velocity field in the open channel flow near a side discharge. The interaction of the primary flow and the side discharge generates a large recirculation flow. The flow is described by set of equations: Navier-Stocks, continuity and k-e equations. The equations are solved by using the SMART numerical procedure. The numerical solution describes the three dimensional recirculation velocity field in the vicinity of the side discharge faithfully. The sizes of the recirculation zone (height and length) are correctly predicted in comparison with laboratory measurements. The numerical simulations have shown that the relationship between the recirculation zone shape factor and the momentum flux ratio is not universal as it was suggested by other investigators.


Year: 1995

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