Author(s): Sami G. Elmaalouf; Young C. Kim
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: IntheaftermathoftheSafeDrinkingWaterAct (SDWA) of1974, numerous models have been established to assess the quality of water and simulate its deterioration in distribution systems. Many of these models, however, are associated with a great deal of complexity especially when a practicing engineer is attempting to utilize them in order to structure a computer program that would help predicting water quality variations in a conveying system. Furthermore, many of these models have not been verified by field studies. This paper presents and describes the development of a field study that examines a steady state distribution system water quality model. The field study requires a profound understanding of the hydraulic behavior in the system as the variation in delivered water quality is dependent upon the hydraulic mixing effects in this system. The study is conducted at the California State University, Los Angeles to verify a comprehensive model that was developed to predict the constituents and/or contaminants propagation, decay, and the overall quality variations in water distribution networks.
Year: 1995