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Dynamics of a Saltating Particle

Author(s): Allen T. Hjelmfelt

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: When a fluid is transporting granular solids of greater density than the fluid, the motion of the larger grains takes place near the bed. Bagnold(1973) described the motion in this region as rolling or a succession of low jumps. Movement by the latter mechanism is termed "saltation." There is, however, disagreement concerning the nature of the movement. Abbot and Francis (1977) summarized their photographic records of flume studies as: ".previous ideas on saltation have always assumed, from eye observation only, that a grain on impacting a bed immediately starts a new trajectory. The photographic evidence shows otherwise... ." Nino et al.(1994) indicate that both the collision-rebound and collision-rolling modes were seen. The mode occurring depended mainly on the local configuration of the bed particles at the point of collision.


Year: 1995

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