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Theoretical Analysis on Self-Excited Vibration of Long Span Shell Roller Gate

Author(s): Kunihiro Ogihara; Hiroji Nakagawa; Sachihiko Ueda

Linked Author(s): Kunihiro Ogihara, Hiroji Nakagawa

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: For needs of the discharge control by shell roller gate in the river, the operation under the small gate opening is coming up now. But it brings the vibration problem in such operation. Therefore it is necessary to make clear the origins of vibration and to make develop the cure measure for this vibration. This paper is the summary of the results from the research work which has been done under the task committee of Japan Hydraulic Gate and Penstock Association. Self-excited vibrations of long span shell roller gate have been observed both in the field and in the model under the small gate opening (Photo. 1). But under which conditions of the self-excited vibrations arise, and what is the origins of vibration have been not so clear that the operation of gate system is determined except the operation under small gate opening. Namely the gate does not stop under the small gate opening in long shell roller gate. This paper shows the results of theoretical analysis on this self-excited vibration by taking account the results of field test and the model test which is made by the elastic similarity model.


Year: 1995

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