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A Numerical Study of the Coastline Evolution at the Volturno River Mouth

Author(s): E. Benassai; M. Calabrese; A. Ragone; M. Gonella; P. Teatini

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The Volturno River, whose catchment covers an area of approximately 5500 km^2, is a typical V-shaped valley which meanders its way from Capua to the coastline, where it discharges through the alluvial deposits carried down through time (Figure 1). Originally the mouth of the river was oriented in such a way as to give rise to a slightly cuspidate coastline; during the last 50 years the river mouth has been receded dramatically (Figure 2). The recession of the river mouth may be attributed to the various training works along the river, sediment extraction upstream as well as the hydrodynamic interaction between wave motion, tides and river currents. The loss of symmetry between the left and right banks is mainly due to the coastal defence works built to protect real-estate bounded by the right river bank.


Year: 1995

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