Author(s): Seiyo Shigemitsu; Akira Hiratsuka; Yuichiro Tsurumaki
Linked Author(s): Seiyo Shigemitsu, Yuichiro Tsurumaki
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Many types of pervious breakwater have been investigated in coastal engineering filed, although most of the structures are very complex in construction. In this study, an effective type of upright pervious structure which consists of cylindrical pipes pile-up structure, using to dissipate wave energy was examined from the point of view of the interactions between air hammer (air blaste out from pipes) and incident waves. The effect of the structure was experimentally examined by the use of both regular and iregular waves. It has turned out that the structure has more effect not only to contribute an effective action to reduce the transmission wave height but also in view of the water exchange compared with that of the another rubble or block mound breakwaters.
Year: 1995