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Development of Climate Hazards Indicators Based on Drivers-Pressures-State-Impacts-Responses (DPSIR) Framework: Case Study in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Author(s): Kok Weng Tan, Phui Nying Loh

Linked Author(s): Tan Kok Weng

Keywords: Cameron Highlands, climate hazards, indicators, DPSIR Framework

Abstract: An important part of the natural hazard's risk management is a decision support system. This study aims to propose a set of indicators for decision support system that suits the local climate hazard situation in Cameron Highlands. The climate hazard Decision support system (DSS) development is based on Driver�Pressure�State�Impact-Response (DPSIR) conceptual framework which includes the following elements: populations, waste, land use, flood disaster, development/investment opportunities, climate change indicators, health and sanitation, soil quality, disasters/mass movements, socio-economic, environmental quality, private and public sectors and individuals. In this study, focus group interview session is carried out on 85 local respondents in major townships of Cameron Highlands. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied in order to synthesise the outcome of the interview session. Total 25 DSS indicators are extracted based on PCA outcomes. The pre-defined indicators are then given a weightage and rating by 11 experts in Malaysia. The changing climate is threatening the livelihood of local community and the environment sustainability. The local community seems to be struggling to cope with such changes. Without strategic planning in Cameron Highlands, all of these changes can affect negatively the two main industries in the highlands which are agriculture and tourism. Hence, the climate hazards DSS is recognized as an integral part in decision-making for the future local plan


Year: 2017

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