Author(s): Jaroslwj Napiorkowski; Andrzej Karbowski; Tomasz Ukleja
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: An intelligent decision support system for real time operation during drought has been developed for a part of the Wupper Reservoir System in the Federal Republic of Germany (Napiorkowski et al., 1993). The reservoir system consists of two reservoir in series with additional inflow to the lower reservoir. The task of these reservoirs are flood control, recreation, hydropower and low flow augmentation in the city of Wuppertal which lies about 20 km downstream of the lower reservoir with the aim of water quality improvement. A two step procedure for managing droughts is proposed. In the first step operating rules are developed with the aid of simulation technique on the basis of a historical record of 39 years and ten synthetic records of 50 years (Schultz and Harboe, 1989).. These operating rules provide a good long range strategy for drought prevention. In the second step, discussed in the paper, special operating rules for damage reduction in case of drought are derived by applying the worst case approach.
Year: 1995