Author(s): Akira Hiratsuka; Yasunori Fukuda; Seiyo Shigemitsu
Linked Author(s): Seiyo Shigemitsu
Keywords: Sunlight UV-rays volume; TLD (Thermoluminescence dosi-meter); Water quality; Reservoir
Abstract: In order to investigate the variation of w ater quality at reservoir in connection w ith sunlig ht UV-rays volum e, this paper examines an estimation of the sunlight UV-rays volum e us ing T LD and centering on the relationship betw een the w ater quality and sunligh t UV-rays vo lum e in the w ater for a fixed period tim e. The contents are as follow: (1) It was recognize d that the m easurem ent of sunlight UV-rays volum e in the w ater is possible, and the peak of (PO_4) ~ (3-) correspond ing to the dep th of w ater in the relationship betw een the UV-rays volum e and (PO_4) ~ (3-) exists. (2) The relationship between the sunlight UV-rays volum e and the w ater qualities (TN/TP) measured for the period of 5 m onths (Jul. -Nov., 1994) is represented. (3) Experimental procedure, result and examination are m entioned, and relationships between the sunlight UV-rays volum e and (PO_4) ~ (3-) ion in connection with optim al UV-rays volum e for aquat ic life at reservoir are considered.
Year: 1995