Author(s): Yuichi Kitamura; Sotoaki Onishi; Shigeo Nakayama; Yutaka Ishikawa
Linked Author(s): Yuichi Kitamura, Sotoaki Onishi
Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Prolongation of higher water turbidity has became one of most serious environmental problem regarding with reservoir management. A measure to counter the problem is setting up selective withdrawal intake system and the other, establishing proper manual of reservoir operation. In this paper, measurement results of water turbidity in a practical reservoir is presented and we describe a reservoir management plan using a selective withdrawal intake system to reduce the deviation of water turbidity from natural state in the downstream region. Then hydraulic parameters controlling the opening time of selective withdrawal intake for effective removal of turbid water mass having remained in the reservoir after flood period is discussed by means of hydraulic model experiment.
Year: 1995