Author(s): Su Yan
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The operational mode for a certain reservoir is worked out according to the main functions, regime of incoming runoff and sediment, the local topographic features of the reservoir, and the coordination of benefits between up-and-down stream of the reservoir etc. So it is important to pay overall con- sideration of these factors in order to improve the comprehensive benefit gener- ation of the reservoir. In heavily sediment-laden rivers, most of the water discharge and sediment load are concentrated in flood season. If impounding all the flood in this period, the rate of deposition in the reservoir will be alarm- ing even intolerable. The life-span of the reservoir will be largely shortened then. Hence, slucing or flushing the sediment in flood seasons is needed in res.- ervoir operation in the heavily sediment-laden rivers. To achieve this objective, the following two operational modes are widely used in China.
Year: 1995