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Availability of Surface Flows for Apportionment of Interstate River Waters

Author(s): S. K. Goyal

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Availability of surface flows considering the length of series and dependability of flow is studied for three rivers of Indus basin. The volume of water flowing in a river varies from year to year and in case of an Interstate river water dispute, the riparian states try to project the figures of availability suiting their own interests. By taking a high volume of water as the basis for apportionment in a dispute, the upstream state is favoured in the low flow years. Also, a high figure of availability amounts to unnecessary wastage of public money, whereas with low figures, the valuable water resources of the country go waste. Determination of a reliable figure of availability involves two issues, viz., what should be length of a flow series and what should be the criteria to calculate the dependability of flow. In the present study, the seventy years ' discharge data of three rivers of Indus basin--Ravi (at Madhopur), Beas (at Mandi plains) and Sutlej (at Bhakra) have been considered. Analysis has been carried out for the length of series as 30,40,50,60,70 years; considering the data in a direct and a reverse chronological order. It is observed that beyond 40years, average inflow is fairly constant. Dependability of flow has been calculated for 50%, 75% and 90% frequency. 75% frequency analysis gives fairly dependable flows (neither too high nor too low). A minimum length of flow series of 40years and dependability at 75% is suggested for determining the availability of surface flows for apportionment of interstate river waters.


Year: 1995

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