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Numerical Implementation and Benchmark of Ice-Hull Interaction Model for Ship Manoeuvring Simulations

Author(s): Jiancheng Liu; Michael Lau; F. Mary Williams

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Abstract: The first question about the performance of a ship operating in ice is usually about the speedpower relationship moving ahead in the specified ice conditions. With advanced physical model test technology and the increasing scope and reliability of full-scale data on reference ships, this question may be answered with considerable confidence at the design stage. Attention has turned in recent years to assessment of the performance of ships undertaking turns and more complex maneuvers in ice. Ability to predict turning performance is important in ship navigation, and it is essential as the basis for numerical models in marine simulators used for operator training and operations planning. This paper reports on the development of a new physically based ice-hull interaction (IHI) model, developed at the NRC Institute for Ocean Technology. This model will serve as the key ice component for ship real-time simulators in ice. The model calculates forces generated by increments in an arbitrary prescribed ship motion. The model incorporates multi-failure ice modes and hydrodynamic effects, and tracks the development of the broken channel. The theoretical basis for the model has been described in a previous paper. This paper presents the model’s numerical implementation and benchmarking based on ship model tests in ice.


Year: 2008

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