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Subsurface Ice Interactions Under a Moored Offloading Icebreaker

Author(s): Basile Bonnemaire; Trine Lundamo; Arnor Jensen; Karl-H. Rupp

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Abstract: The Arctic Tandem Offloading Terminal (ATOT) is a new concept for offshore offloading in ice-infested waters. The concept comprises two units; a turret moored offloading icebreaker (OIB) and an offloading tanker in tandem. The concept was tested at scale 1:24 at the HSVA ice tank in Hamburg, Germany. Subsurface ice transport is critical for the concept as risks of damage of the loading hoses by drifting ice should be avoided. The OIB design included a passive barrier, a wedge under the bow to deviate the drifting ice. It worked fine in level ice, but the wedge was not fully efficient during the interaction with deeper ice formations. The bow propellers were also used to wash away the incoming ice, however, ice interaction with the sub-surface loading and the stern propellers could not be avoided. The horizontal loads from ice hitting the subsurface loading buoy were measured. These reached 460 kN during interaction with the deepest ridge, the load level was seen to be correlated with the ice ridge keel depth. The measured loads are in the same range as load estimates from either ice block impacts simulations or rubble load solutions found in the literature.


Year: 2008

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