Author(s): Félix Francés, Guiomar Ruiz-Pérez, Carlos Echeverría and Cristina Puertes
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Keywords: hydro-environmental models; satellite information; multi-objective calibration; soil erosion; vegetation dynamics
The implementation of a hydro-environmental model cannot rely exclusively on discharge measurements and more information about other state variables must be included in order to obtain better and more robust models. We have shown this main conclusion through the calibration of TETIS model in four different case studies, involving NO3 concentration, soil moisture, actual evapotranspiration and vegetation biomass observed at ground points and from satellite. It is needed the appropriate similarity index between the maps of observations and simulations to exploit the satellite information for the implementation of a distributed hydro-environmental model. It is not needed a very complex model to exploit this additional information: we have obtained very promising results with a parsimonious and distributed model, such as TETIS. Finally, it is possible to use only remote-sensed information to calibrate satisfactorily a distributed hydrological model at ungauged basins.
Year: 2019