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Thermodynamics and Consolidation of Fresh Ice Ridges for Different Scale and Configuration

Author(s): Evgenii Salganik; Knut Vilhelm Hoyland

Linked Author(s): Knut Hoyland, Knut Vilhelm Høyland

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: Ice ridges are formed from deformed ice under atmospheric cooling. Interaction of first-year ice ridges with structures often gives highest loads. This process can be modelled in ice basins under controlled environment in contrast to field experiments, where most key parameters for consolidation analysis are unknown or uncertain. A series of experiments have been conducted to study model-scale fresh ice ridge development. The effect of initial rubble size, temperature, and configuration on consolidated level growth was observed in experiments and described analytically. Scale-dependent model was developed, taking into account main thermodynamic processes governing model-scale fresh ridge consolidation: conduction in the ice, sensible heat storage in the ice and convection in the air. Results of numerical and analytical models and experiments showed that consolidated layer growth was significantly faster than level ice for small-scale experiments. This difference is governed not only by the ridge initial macro-porosity (volumetric liquid fraction) and temperature but also by block length, width, freeboard, and orientation. Experimental setup and instrumentation are described providing measuring techniques for the convectional heat transfer coefficient, consolidated layer and level ice thickness, and heat fluxes at the newly formed ice and initial ice rubble. This study provides the understanding of the main differences between the thermodynamics of fresh model-scale and full-scale ice ridges. It can be a basis for saline ridge consolidation analysis, where there is a presence of solution gradients in both ice and water underneath. Study results can provide additional information about data that should be collected in future field investigations and laboratory experiments, and about parameters that could be controlled to perform basin tests with necessary and realistic model-scale ridge configuration.


Year: 2018

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