Author(s): Bin Cheng; Juha Karvonen; Marko Makynen; Zeliang Liao; Jiechen Zhao; Timo Vihma
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Keywords: No keywords
Abstract: We have developed and tested a novel monitoring and forecasting system for the Baltic Sea land fast sea ice and snow thickness. The system is composed of real-time measurements of snow and ice temperature and thickness by the high-resolution Snow and Ice Mass Balance Array, known as SIMBA; A high-resolution thermodynamic snow/ice model (HIGHTSI) forecasts using ECMWF 10days weather forecasts as external forcing; and SENTINEL-1 and RADARSAT-2 SAR imagery and a classification algorithm to identify land fast sea ice area. We provide daily land fast sea ice thickness and snow thickness products. The SAR imagery can also provide further ice information, such as total ice deformation along the land fast ice boundaries, and location of the major ship tracks across the land fast ice field. The purpose of this extended abstract is to document the compositions and setup of the snow and sea ice monitoring and forecasting system for the Baltic Sea Land Fast Ice (BALFI) service. We are aiming to establish a sustainable BALFI service for the Baltic Sea in the coming ice seasons.
Year: 2018