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Special Sessions: Methodology to Monitor the Turbidity Using Spectrum Camera Mounted on Drone

Author(s): Hiroshi Koseki , Teruaki Yasuda , Atsuhiro Yorozuya and Shoji Okada

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Keywords: UAV; multi-spectrum camera; near infrared; turbidity; the Brahmaputra River


Monitoring turbidity near a bank needs high temporal and spatial resolutions, which are not satisfied by satellite images. The authors proposed a methodology to monitor turbidity using a multi-spectrum camera and an RGB camera mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. The measurement was conducted in a high-turbidity (200-600 FTU) condition over the water surface of the Brahmaputra River in Bangladesh. The results confirmed that images captured using near-infrared wavelength can be used to collect information on bank conditions, i.e., whether or not the bank is erodible or well protected. The calibration for turbidity maps was successful, and the maps visualized the behavior of high turbidity from the bank. 


Year: 2019

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